Sign up for a Pro or Champ membership and get 3 months FREE!
That's over $275 in savings...but we are not done there...
Did you know:
Wondering which membership is right for you? Head to our Memberships page and check out the details.
*Program starts on October 7, 2021 and will end on November 30, 2021. Not eligible with any other promotions/discounts.
Valid for new members only. To be eligible, you must not have been enrolled in any membership for the previous six (6) months. **If choosing to sign up monthly, a three (3) month non-refundable deposit must be made at time of sign up.
That's over $275 in savings...but we are not done there...
Did you know:
- Members can save an average of $25 each round compared to online rates
- Members save 10% on most pro shop purchases and earn 40% back on all food purchases
- Members save over 75% when booking a bay at Launchbox
- and so much more....
Wondering which membership is right for you? Head to our Memberships page and check out the details.
*Program starts on October 7, 2021 and will end on November 30, 2021. Not eligible with any other promotions/discounts.
Valid for new members only. To be eligible, you must not have been enrolled in any membership for the previous six (6) months. **If choosing to sign up monthly, a three (3) month non-refundable deposit must be made at time of sign up.